Tools for Conflict

We are social creatures. We need each other to survive, but that doesn’t mean we’re always going to get along.

Conflict comes in many forms. We can experience internal conflict; disagreements with a family member; arguments with colleagues; or even political or ideological differences with strangers. 

Some conflicts are small and the relationship can be quickly repaired. Others may prove more difficult.

If someone is so agitated and belligerent that a reasonable conversation isn’t possible, you may need to walk away from the situation and return to it later. In extreme situations where there is intractable conflict, you may get into a cycle of mutual dehumanization. 

Below are a number of tools, articles, videos, and programs to assist you with these difficult situations. With practice you can remain poised and self-possessed rather than contributing to the escalation of hostilities.


Tools for Loss & Letting Go


Tools for Overthinking