Cosmic Rage
Have you ever felt judged or put down by others or by the negativity in your own head? Take back the power to define who you are with Cosmic Rage. Other people are not the enemy. The enemy is negativity, which sometimes comes at you via this person and at times via another person or even a thought. Your response can always be the same no matter where the negative force comes from if you learn to use rage in a new way.
Cues to Use the Tool
Use the tool any time you feel judged, put down, envied or attacked by someone.
You can also use this tool against your own inner enemy, Part X. In this case, use the tool the moment you recognize Part X is attacking you with negative thoughts or feelings.
The Tool in Brief
1. See the Dark Cloud
See the person who is judging you surrounded by a dark cloud. Focus on the dark cloud—it's your real enemy. To use this tool on Part X, replace the negative person with the negative thought or feeling that Part X is threatening you with.
2. Scream
Choose a short, emphatic phrase and silently scream it at the cloud: “Screw you!” “Get Away!” “#^@K off!” The more emotion you can muster the better. As you scream at the cloud, the person fades away.
3. Disperse the Cloud
See the force of your rage push the dark cloud away from you. It becomes so distant it no longer threatens you. Feel the space you've created for yourself. This is where you can be fully yourself.
Try It Now
The Higher Force You’re Invoking: The “I Am” Space
There is a destructive force in the universe that aims to negate who we are and derail us as we try to fulfill our potential. At times this force operates through people in our lives, at times through our own thoughts and feelings. It takes a force as strong as rage to combat this destructive force when it’s attacking us. We can use rage constructively by aiming it at the real enemy and recreating our sacred “I Am” space. In the “I Am” space, we are free from the influence of others and connected to our spontaneous, true self.