Does Life Suck? Call Your (Archetypal) Mother!

Are you still hunting for the elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Do you feel disappointed with how your life has turned out? Are you disheartened by the way things seem to be going in the world? 

It can be easy to fall under the spell of negativity. And it can be hard to break that spell because we look for answers in all the wrong places: relationships, possessions, career accolades, addictions, distractions, etc. 

But over time we realize that while some of these things may work in the short term, none of them provide us with an ongoing sense that no matter what is going on in our life we are loved and cared for.

Where can we find the reassurance that we're okay? That we're accepted for who we are, regardless of our situation in life?


When we think of the ultimate representation of love, we often think of mothers. But as therapists, we know most people have had a less than ideal experience with their mothers—we've heard the stories!

So it can be helpful to not think about specific mothers, and instead look at mothers/mothering as a symbol, what is called an archetype.

The Mother doesn't remove challenges; she gives you an endless flow of positive energy with which to face them. 

The archetypal Mother is the source of absolute love and support in the cosmos. She loves each of us individually and wants us to grow into our highest potential. She removes the threats that prevent us from growing—especially demoralization and negativity. 

What makes the archetypal Mother such an invaluable resource is that she never loses faith in us; she sees the best even when we're blind to it. With her infallible optimism, she has the power to lift us back up when we get knocked down.


When your hopes are crushed, you need an infusion of optimism from something beyond—that something is The Mother. It would be nice if this happened automatically, but it doesn't. In fact, it requires a lot of effort. 

The archetypal Mother is the source of absolute love and support in the cosmos.

To accept her love, you must admit you need her, now and for the rest of your life, no matter how well or poorly things go for you. She will never turn you down, but you must approach her as a responsible adult.

That means you mustn't depend on anything outside yourself—a person, possession, or event—to keep you inspired and enthusiastic.  You take full responsibility for your own mood, knowing that life will continue to challenge you. The Mother doesn't remove these challenges; she gives you an endless flow of positive energy with which to face them. 


Here's how to access love with The Mother Tool. Begin by sensing your feelings of hopelessness, negativity, or demoralization, then take some time with each of the following steps:

  1. Turn your negative thoughts into a toxic substance. Feel the sense of demoralization as intensely as you can. Focus on its heaviness, as if it’s an oppressive substance weighing you down. Visualize that substance so vividly that the demoralized thoughts and feelings are no longer in your head.

  2. The Mother appears. See her hovering above you. Place your faith in her power to remove the dark, heavy substance you’re holding on to. Let go of it. The Mother lifts it from your body as if it’s weightless. Watch it rise until it reaches her; she absorbs it into herself and it disappears.

  3. Feel her love. Feel her eyes upon you. They radiate absolute confidence in you; she believes in you unreservedly, like no one else ever has. With her unshakeable faith filling you up, everything feels possible.


The Mother Tool: Build Resilience & Let Go of False Hope


The 4 Laws of “The Field”