Tools for Fear
The first thing to know about fear is that everyone is scared. When people are scared, they become paralyzed or they run away (which is just another version of letting yourself be stopped by the fear). Our way of addressing fear is counterintuitive, but stick with us.
We subscribe to the Law of Fear, which states that if you move toward the fear, it will diminish.
Many people try to think or reason their way out of fear. We’re sorry to say, that won’t work. The only thing that will work is taking action. Like diving into cold water, you don’t want to stand there and think about it—you just dive.
The action can be small, infinitesimal even – and it doesn’t have to address the specific fear you’re feeling. Just do something – anything. Make that call. Go for that run. Ask that person out. Set that boundary. Balance your checkbook. Apply for that job. The moment you feel the fear, make a move.
On a deeper level, the purpose of fear is to lead you to your fate. We’re all afraid to meet our fate, but each time you move toward the fear and say yes to your fate, your life starts to open up and you begin to discover why you are here.
Use These Tools